Thursday, November 24, 2011


I want to thank a few influential people in my life, fore they have made me the man, shooter and instructor I am today.  They are in no particular order except for number one.

My father:  US Army Retired Special Forces Colonel.  He has been the biggest influence in my life.  He is a true soldier, man, husband and father.  Thank you

Dan P:  Dan is an old school real operator who taught me years ago how to be a quiet professional and shooter and how serious the world should be taken.  We should all thank Dan for the work he continues to do today, without him we wouldn't have the elite warriors laying slaughter on our behalf.  Thank you Dan

Tony Copper:  I do not know Tony well, really much at all but I trained with him a few years ago and he opened my eyes to shooting in a way I didn't know before and how to accomplish my goals.  Many of my close friends know him well and he has influenced them as well.  He is a true warrior and I aspire to be the warrior he is.  

Kyle Defoor:  Kyle is a bad ass shooter and instructor and I hear operator as well.  When I first became a full time instructor I worked as an AI under Kyle every day and he taught me the ropes of being an instructor and took me under his wing.  He also crushed me on the range till I got my shit together and took it all more serious.  Thank you Kyle for teaching me.  (Also, not trying to copy your site, It just works)

Brain Searcy:  Brian needs no introduction fore he has been in the shooting and training industry for years.  Brian believed in me and gave me the chance since I was pretty much the only non Tier 1 guy in our group and really taught me the importance of the basics and how you can not get away from it.  It all comes back to the fundamentals and having a well thought methodology for your training cycle.  Brian has also shown me the fine points of marksmanship which allows me to really fine tune shooters.  Not to mention the man doesn't miss the black from 25 yards.  A continued thanks.

JD Potynsky:  JD is the CEO of Northern Red and my former boss.  JD continues to be a very close friend and mentor to me every day.  How this guy knows so much at a young age I have no idea.  JD has developed me as an instructor on and off the range in class management to how I present the matereial and myself.  He influences me daily with my shooting and mind set and often has my head spinning with the discussions we find ourselves in.  JD has proven himself in combat, business and in life and I want to say thank you to him for making me a better person overall.

Matt (My brother): I can't say enough bro.  Your always there for me and support me.  The best AI I could ask for.  For those who do not know Matt he is a warrior every day and not only when deployed.  He is willing to go to slaughter for me or the cause at all times.  NO questions asked.  Thanks bro and as JD would say "Die Well".

Allan Holland:  Allan is one of the best shooter/ athletes anywhere and continuously pushes me on the range and crushes me in the gym.  Thanks bro for your inspiration.

Judd F., Chris K., Paul T. and Frank G. are all serious operators who continue to work therefore I will not mention them further except to say thank you. Also a big thank you to Dave and John at Shooters Supply for always looking out for me as well as the crew at Grey Group.

There are others I know so don't get pissy if I didn't mention your name.   Just accept my Thank You.

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